Lecture & Discussion “Critical Thinking”

In this course on critical thinking students will learn how to exercise their minds, to make them stronger, sharper and more disciplined. They will learn to think critically about the world around them and so make it less likely that they will be deceived or used by others. The course is guided by a professional journalist and political scientist, Mary Metzger.

Психология и самопознание 16+

Human beings are motivated by a strong desire to improve themselves.  They listen to speakers tell them how to be better leaders, more confident individuals, stronger characters; they  read books on how to win friends and influence people, achieve financial success,  they take courses and classes that teach them new skills, new languages, prepare them for new careers.  Yet, what very few people ever set out to do is improve their thinking skills so that their minds become stronger and more efficient. Yet it is the ability to think in a logical, conscious and self conscious way that we need most if we are going to survive in this world.  In fact, there are no powers, skills, or abilities that are more important than this power to actively and consciously think about the world around us.

Come join us in a lesson in Critical Thinking so that you too can improve your mind.


1201 день назад
25 октября 2021 19:00–20:30

Николоямская улица, дом 1, Большой зал 3 этаж
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